4 May 2015

Making a Dress - Green Jumper Skirt with matching french hood part two

For ages I have been looking for suitable lolita style hair accessories.  

I  like bows but most of the time they get lost in my hair and the head eating ones are just a bit too much for my classic wardrobe in my eyes.

Bonnets are lovely!  However when I tried one on when I was in Harajuku I looked......well.....a bit provincial.  So that is a no no then.

Hats I love but expensive as I like the huge ones.  Quite frankly the bigger the better for my face.

What I want is a cross between a flower crown and a hairband so I hit upon an idea of how about french hoods.

If you are not familiar with french hoods then think of Henry the VIII and Anne Boleyn  

Now I wasn't thinking of going the whole hog with the french hood as there are many components involved but I wanted to get the overall shape of the main part.

Essentially I am making a OTT headband.

Pattern-wise I searched the internet for one and then I tweaked it a little to get the right size and shape.

Now if I was being completely hardcore I would have made the base with buckram and wire but alas I don't have that in my room so I used heavy iron-on interface and to make it strong I will use two layers one for the front and one for the back.

I mainly completed this after work so the picture are not brilliant but here is the starting point of when I put on the kanzashi.  

Close up of one of my kanzashi flowers.

At this point in time this is only pinned to my mannequin head I will be adding ribbon to it later on.

Okay not shot of construction after this as I got a bit carried away and I wanted to finish it for a work event but here is the finished french hood.

I never wear a wig but I wanted to see if it would work with a twin tail ponytail wig as I am considering making for other lolita.

and so finally my outfit is complete.  I wore it just over a month ago for a work event.  Unlike a real french hood I wore this behind my ear so it is a OTT headband.  

I  think it was a hit although I did get one person asking me if I was part of some sort of show.  Nevermind!

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